To help you prepare to celebrate fur yourself or fur the dog mamas in your life, we’ve got some fun ideas fur you!
Large Canvas Tote with 'My Dog & I Support Small Businesses'
Daisy Bandana fur the pup
Daisy Scrunchie to match fur YOU!
Daisy dog bone squeaky toy
'Ask me about my dog' Sticker
2. Set up a Dog Mama’s meet up at a dog furiendly brewery or winery!
Celebrate with your friends & their furiends with a glass of wine or beer! Call ahead or get there ahead to get a good section to all hang out and cheers!
3. Throw a Dog Mama’s Day picnic with your furiends!
Find a dog friendly park where you can bring some fun picnic food and drinks OR throw it in your own backyard! The dogs can run around and play while you and your dog mama friends can all enjoy the day together!
4. Bake some treats fur your Dog Mama friends & their furiends!
Whether you go to a meet up, a picnic, a friends house or not, you can bake some yummy treats to drop to your dog mama friends fur both the hoomans and pups! Everyone loves a treat!! Here are two yummy, easy spring treats for the hoomans & the pups!
Fur Pups: Watermelon Carrot Pupsicles
Fur Hoomans: Flower Pretzel Bites
5. Another fun gift fur you & your dog mama gals are our Dog Mama Hats!
The girls in our office all LOVE these. They're comfortable and cute for any outing! Throw one on for a hike or match it with a cute outfit for a brewery or BBQ!